Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Crow

Our next door neighbors have built an elevated garden box in which they have planted tomatoes and I believe, peppers. I see them in the evening and on weekends working diligently in their yard. This evening I saw a crow perched on the edge of the garden box, looking at the plants as if to say how nice it was for them to think of him. I think perhaps it's time for them to think of a scarecrow!

Farewell to May

We have said farewell to May and summer is starting to take sway. As the days go on, the flowers in bloom change. The rhododendrons and tulips have faded, and lavender is now in bloom. I have seen the first wild strawberries. They are a little late this year due to the long winter. And the jays have returned. While the robins seem willing to divide up the lawn so each has his own territory, I have only seen one jay at a time. Last year the female sat on the fence waiting her turn while the male searched for the juiciest seeds and bugs. But I haven't seen Mrs. Jay yet this year.

It has only been into the low seventies except for a day or two above or below. We have had a lot of rain, but thankfully not days of downpours. The showers are more spread out, and only sometimes intense. I'm looking forward to seeing the next changes that Mother Nature brings.