Sunday, July 24, 2011

Walking through time

A few weeks back, when the weather was warm but not yet oppressively hot, we took a walk down to the Langhorne Coffee House. That stretch of street is lined by historic homes ranging from the mid 1700's to the early twentieth century. The flowers were still in full bloom, not yet wilted by the heat, and the leaves were all deep green. It was the prime of summer.

On our way back, I took a few pictures of my favorite houses. The first is prim and proper, a crisp white with a white picket fence and gate, but with deep purple shutters and an exuberance of foliage covering the fence and gateway.

The second home is a cross between a wedding cake and the Addams family home. I can picture Morticia in her back garden, snipping off the red roses from their sharp thorny stems, and Lurch waiting at attention to respond to the ring of the front door. In reality, I think it's either an apartment or boarding house.

Our home is a Dutch Colonial, lacking the charm of the others, and a relative newcomer, built in the 1920's. It has a huge expanse of front lawn, anchored by four large shade trees in the corners, and patrolled by two or three robins in the spring and summer.

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